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A Guide to Dota 2 for Beginners

If you are going to start playing Dota 2 or have recently started, but something is not working out for you, then we recommend you to read this article. Here you will see how to play Dota 2: how to choose a hero for yourself, what to buy at the beginning of the game, and much more.

How to start playing Dota 2?

To begin with, be sure to choose one or more heroes and learn how to play on them. Gradually, you will expand this list, but now it is better not to do this. At the moment, there are 116 heroes in the game and, of course, you will not understand all of them. To do this, use the filters that are in the Dota itself and select a hero. Fortunately, Dota 2 has a great tutorial for newbies.

Some main options

  • Melee or Ranged

To the right of “Difficulty” there are melee and ranged filters, I think everything is clear here. Beginners usually prefer ranged combat, because it is somewhat easier, but I do not advise you to get too hung up on this. Melee heroes are just as good and do a great job with ranged heroes.

  • Fast damage

This option filters heroes according to their damage rate. As for me, not a very important filter. However, if you have any preferences in this area, then feel free to use it.

  • The control

Will show you characters that have strong stuns (stuns), aggro, and the like. Suitable for those who like to interfere with their opponents’ actions.

  • Forest

Shows heroes who can farm in the forest from the first minutes. The current conditions in DotA are not favorable for foresters, but in the next patch, this may change. Thus, you can also skip using this filter. Anyway, while the 7.19 patch is still valid.

  • Persistence

Heroes with such filters have a large amount of armor or strong magic resistance. Besides, they always have some kind of ability that helps them survive as long as possible in a fight. The choice for those who like to feel like a tank.

  • The escape

If you like using heroes who can quickly leave the battlefield, use this filter.

  • Siege

On the way to the enemy’s throne, we have to face the need to destroy the enemy’s towers. Of course, any hero and even creeps can do this. However, heroes with this filter destroy towers especially quickly and easily.

Basic Attributes

When faced with the choice of a hero for the first time, a beginner will notice that they are divided into three groups. Below is a short Dota 2 guide on this split.

The game has three main features:

  • Force. Determines the amount and rate of health regeneration.
  • Agility. Increases armor and attack speed.
  • Intelligence. The amount of mana and its recovery depends on it.

Each character has a basic attribute, by which he is defined in the category of heroes. An increase in the main characteristic, in addition to the general effect, also gives an increase in damage from ordinary attacks.

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